Medical face mask "Angel" for USA

The mask is a natural barrier to preventing the droplet transmission of coronavirus. Blood eyes and mouth preventing infection. The mask can also be used to protect the skin from small flying objects, paint, dust.

The advantages of this type of mask:
+ Coronavirus is transmitted in 95% of cases by drip. Face shield is a natural barrier against the virus.
+ The face mask "Angel" is a convenient and affordable clothing for glasses.
+ The mask is adjustable in size and equally comfortable.
+ The mask is made of nylon - a flexible material.
+ The mask is easy to assemble without a special tool. For assembly, you need only 1 additional component - a transparent film (Transparency Film for Plain Paper Copier), which can be purchased at the links below. The film mount is hidden inward for reliability and safety. Thanks to what the mask has a stylish appearance. The mask "you can assemble yourself an unlimited number of times (change the film, adjust the size)."
See the copyright for the invention on the website:
You can purchase the finished product on the website:
Acquired 3D model of the medical face mask "Angel", you get permission to distribute it, free use for commercial purposes of the licensed work Medical face mask "Angel".
File format: .stl, .asm (Original file format. Creo Parmetric 4.0).

Additional Information
Transparent film should be done in accordance with the drawing.
Permissible replacement of transparent film: film for lamination.
The plane for lamination before the necessary additional preparations, advancement with a hole punch at the points of attachment to the mask in accordance with the drawing.

Transparency Film for Plain Paper Copier:

Лицензия Creative Commons
Произведение «Medical face mask "Angel" for USA» созданное автором по имени Panda3D, публикуется на условиях лицензии Creative Commons «Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives» («Атрибуция — Некоммерческое использование — Без производных произведений») 4.0 Всемирная.
Разрешения, выходящие за рамки данной лицензии, могут быть доступны на странице

Medical face mask Angel Medical face mask Angel Medical face mask mask Angel
Mask assembly order
assembly mask Angel assembly mask Angel mask Angel assembly mask Angel assembly mask Angel assembly
Transparency Film. Preparation
mask Angel buy goods mask Angel buy goods assembly laminating film mask Angel mask Angel Transparency film mask Angel laminating film assembly
Mask adjustment
mask Angel laminating film assembly mask Angel assembly
